
Server Enviroment
Client Enviroment


Interceptors can be used to intercept any incoming event/request and outgoing response. Interceptors are executed after guards.

Creating an Interceptor

Interceptors are specialized classes that implement the Interceptor interface. This interface defines an intercept method, which is responsible for handling the logic before and after an event or RPC method is executed. Within the intercept method, you can invoke the next.handle method to trigger the execution of the target event or RPC method registered in the controller. By default, next.handle will automatically return the result of the RPC method execution.

However, if you want to intercept the response and prevent next.handle from returning the result immediately, you can pass an options object to next.handle with the send property set to false. This allows you to manually handle the result before returning it. To send the final result back, you can use the next.return method.

export class DeliciousMangoInterceptor implements Interceptor<Promise<string>> {
    public async intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler) {
        // Call next.handle with send: false to intercept the result
        const result = await next.handle({ send: false });
        // Perform any additional logic with the intercepted result here
        // Manually return a custom result
        next.return({ body: 'Mango is delicious!' });

Using an Interceptor

Interceptors can be used at the module, controller or handler level. To use an interceptor, use the @UseInterceptors decorator on the module, controller or handler, and pass the interceptor class as an argument.

  • When you specify an interceptor as a class reference, it is instantiated as a singleton by the dependency injection container. This means that the same instance is used for all requests. If you want to use a new instance for each request, you can specify an instance of the interceptor instead of a class reference.
  • If you're using class references, don't forget to add the @Injectable decorator and add the guard to the providers array in the module.
export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat() {
        console.log('Mango is eaten!');

    controllers: [DeliciousMangoController],
    providers: [DeliciousMangoInterceptor],
export class DeliciousMangoModule {}

You can also pass an instance of the interceptor instead of a class reference. However, dependency injection will not work for the interceptor instance.

@UseInterceptors(new DeliciousMangoInterceptor()) 
export class DeliciousMangoController {}
Last update at: 2024/06/18 19:03:08