Method Decorators

Server Enviroment
Client Enviroment


The Request decorator is used to inject the MangoRequest object. The MangoRequest object contains the request body and other request information.

export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat(@Request() request: MangoRequest) {
        const body = request.body;
        console.log(`I ate ${body}`);


The Response decorator is used to inject the MangoResponse object. The MangoResponse object contains methods for sending a response.

export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat(@Response() response: MangoResponse) {
        response.send('I ate a mango'); 
        // OR
        response.error('I did not eat a mango'); 


The Body decorator is used to inject the body of the request. The Body decorator takes pipes that are used to transform the data.

export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat(@Body(MangoColorPipe) mangoColor: 'yellow' | 'green') {
        console.log(`I ate a ${mangoColor} mango`);


The Param decorator is used to inject a parameter from the request body. The Param decorator takes a string parameter that is the key to the parameter in the body and pipes that are used to transform the data.

export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat(@Param('color', MangoColorPipe) mangoColor: 'yellow' | 'green') {
        console.log(`I ate a ${mangoColor} mango`);


The Player decorator is used to inject the player that sent the request. The Player decorator takes a string parameter that is the key to the player in the body.

export class DeliciousMangoController {
    public onEat(@Player() player: Player) {
        console.log(`Player ${} ate a mango`);
    // OR
    public onEat(@Player('id') id: number) {
        console.log(`Player ${id} ate a mango`);
Last update at: 2024/04/29 10:15:50